Wizdom Blog

The Wizest blog is a resource for investors of all levels, from beginners to experienced traders. On our blog, you can find articles and posts about investing, the stock market, and personal finance. Our goal is to provide valuable information and insights that can help you make the most of your investments and achieve your financial goals.

Our blog covers a wide range of topics, including investment strategies, market trends, and personal finance tips. We also feature interviews with successful investors and advisers, giving you the opportunity to learn from their experiences and insights.

Whether you’re just starting out in the stock market or you’re an experienced trader, our blog has something for everyone. We invite you to explore our articles and posts, and learn more about investing and achieving your financial goals.

Day Trading - Strategies, Tools, and Tips for Begi...


Day trading refers to the buying and selling of stocks within the same trading day. Day traders aim ...

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What is Dollar Cost Averaging for Investing...


Dollar-cost averaging is an investment strategy where a fixed dollar amount of a particular asset is...

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Maxed Out Your 401k? What to Do Next....


401k plans allow you to defer taxes on both the money put into the plan and any gains made from it. ...

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How to Survive a Bear Market...


There are lots of ways for investors to navigate a bear market in their favor, and there's no better...

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Paying Off Debt: The First Step to Financial Freed...


Navigating the world of finance can be overwhelming. Creating a budget and paying off debt is the fi...

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Growth Investing - A Dynamic Strategy for the Stoc...


The fundamental concept of growth investing is finding companies that will to increase in value, pro...

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An Introduction to S&P 500 (Standard & Poo...


Take a deep dive into the strategy of investing in the S&P 500. Explore the basics and the reasons t...

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<strong>The State of Interest Rates in the United ...


Interest rates play an integral role in the financial sphere, so it's essential for investors to und...

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An Introduction to Automated Investment Accounts: ...


Creating Automated Investment Accounts, the core portfolios they utilize, account minimums, manageme...

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The Power of Socially Responsible Investing...


Socially Responsible Investing is a strategy that prioritizes not only the potential for financial r...

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Mastering the Basics: Essential Investing Concepts...


For young people, carving a secure financial future is daunting, especially when faced with economic...

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A Beginner's Guide to Futures Trading: Strategies ...


Futures trading gives investors access to various markets with just one contract instead of multiple...

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401k vs IRAs: Choosing the Right Savings Option...


401k vs IRAs - Putting money in a savings account is great, but there are more efficient ways to rea...

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The Debt Ceiling and How it Affects Individuals...


A look at the function the debt ceiling serves in our economy, how it affects individuals, and how w...

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Algorithmic Trading: A Guide for New Investors...


Algorithmic trading is a way to automate some of your trading strategy. Utilizing algorithms and mat...

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Investing in Commodities: Their Role in a Beginner...


Investing in commodities can be a great way to diversify your stock market portfolio and take advant...

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Copy Trading: Pros, Cons, and How to Get Started...


Copy trading is a form of stock market trading where investors follow and replicate the trades of ot...

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Momentum Investing: A Good Starting Point for Begi...


Momentum investing is a trading strategy that capitalizes on attractive price movements in the marke...

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A Comprehensive Guide to Diversification and Risk ...


Diversification and risk tolerance are crucial in deciding on a personal investing strategy that you...

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Investing for Beginners: The Hands-Off Approach...


An introduction to some of the more hands-off options for investors. Index Funds, Mutual Funds, and ...

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Investing for Beginners: Value Investing 101...


Value Investing involves picking stocks you feel are priced below their “real” value and sticking wi...

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Investing for Beginners Minimizing Losses + Maximi...


Investing for beginners can be daunting but there are a few simple techniques that can help minimize...

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How to Build an Investment Portfolio For You...


One of the biggest (and costliest) mistakes investors or potential investors make is basing their in...

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Retirement Planning: Your New Roadmap...


Have you started thinking about retirement planning? Only half of Americans have even calculated how...

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All the Major Asset Classes: Explained...


The first step to investing is understanding the major asset classes, which are used to categorize f...

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What Happened with Silicon Valley Bank?...


For the last week, all eyes in the financial sector have been on Silicon Valley Bank. You’ve probabl...

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Tax Tips to Help You Save Money in 2023...


Paying the tax man is one of those things we can count on year after year. With the expansion of the...

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Technology Has Made Investing Accessible to Everyo...


From dedicated financial technologies, known as FinTech, to the sharing of information in real-time,...

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Financial Resolutions for the New Year...


Ready to make a fresh start? Taking matters into your own hands is step number one – so get started ...

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Your Guide to Risk Tolerance...


The first step in any investor’s journey is identifying what your risk tolerance is when it comes to...

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Five Keys to Planning Your Personal Finances and M...


In times of uncertainty such as these, it is essential to make informed and respons...

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Wizest: A Quest to Democratize the Stock Market...


Many Americans do not access investment opportunities in the stock market due to the barri...

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What is a SPAC?...


A SPAC is a company set up by investors with the sole purpose of raising money through an initial pu...

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An Introduction to Investing Terminology...


Wizest was built to empower anyone to invest like a financial expert–through financial experts! Ne...

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A List of Great Investing Books, Organized by Skil...


Never liked the look of finance textbooks or the business section at Barnes and Noble? Picking the...

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Our Favorite Podcasts for Learning Finance​...


Swamped by the ever-growing list of new podcasts? How do you know what you’ll get searching “money,...

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CUSIP Lookup: Free Interactive Tool...


Key Takeaways: Every publicly-traded security is assigned a...

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