Wizest: A Quest to Democratize the Stock Market

Wizest - Quest to Democratize the Stock Market - Hero Image

Many Americans do not access investment opportunities in the stock market due to the barriers that the system has imposed in their path, which range from complicated processes, disinformation, or even more simply: they find it intimidating. This situation has, for the first time in decades, pushed the number of investors in the stock market down.

Wizest is removing many of the obstacles investors face.

Prior to the global financial crisis at the turn of the century, the number of U.S. adults investing in the stock market peaked at 65 percent in 2007the highest level since at least 1999. Since then, that number has been consistently falling.

In fact, over the past twelve years, the number of U.S. adults investing in the stock market has remained virtually static. And although it has not fallen below 50%, it does not show signs of regaining its growth despite all the opportunities that technology has opened for more people to access.

According to figures released by Gallup, in 2022 58% of Americans held some type of shares, a figure higher than in 2021 (56%) and 2020 (55%). However, this is highly correlated to factors such as household income and education. The report shows that 89% of U.S. adults from households with incomes above the US $100,000 own shares, as do 79% of those with higher education.

A Simple Education Problem

In general terms, there is still ignorance about how the markets operate since a survey by the financial services company Bankrate reveals that 56% of those consulted considered that "the stock market is manipulated against individual investors".

"Nearly half of Americans and most individual investors have doubts about the integrity of financial markets, but the results show that disciplined, diversified, and low-cost investing is rewarded over time," said Greg McBride, Chief Financial Analyst at Bankrate.


Bankrate - Top 5 Reasons Americans aren't invested in stocks - infographic

In fact, Bankrate found that 32% of those who do not invest in the market do not do so simply because they do not understand how it works, while for 13% it is more comfortable to focus on what they consider safer investments, among which they cite bonds or savings accounts (Bankrate Graph).

In the midst of this scenario, options such as those offered by the fintech Wizest are opening up, which allow small investors in the U.S. to immerse in the world of finance, empowering them and giving them the tools they need to navigate it.

The platform was born with the premise of democratizing access to the stock market so that more people can invest the same way the high-earning and highly educated minority does.

The purpose of this fintech is to make investments a pleasant human experience for everyone, helping its users to strengthen their financial education and eliminating the obstacles that kept them away from the markets.

Listed as "much more authentic than Robinhood will ever be" by some specialized publications, this fintech offers its users the possibility of replicating the portfolios of financial experts allowing them to select those that most align with their principles.

Wizest goes a step further and presents a differential from traditional alternatives since these focus on two paths: either they let users invest and take risks on their own, or at the other end, they take them away from the decision-making equation.

"While most platforms are completely passive, don't provide autonomy, or force you to get financial guidance from dubious sources, Wizest allows you to select from a wealth of analysis and expert advice to create a meaningful personal portfolio," the company explains.

Once users choose the experts to follow, they can begin to make their first moves in sectors as varied as renewable energy to technology companies, as they gain experience through this type of operation.

The experts who participate in this platform earn in many ways and at no cost, creating a domestic customer base and additional revenue.

Among the main sales offered by this fintech to its users stands out, among others, the possibility of accessing a free simulator, while in other types of services a Premium subscription can cost investors $ 20 per month from the first moment and without the possibility of trying.

With this innovation, Wizest seeks to be recognized as the "Uber of investment." It is building bridges between experts and potential investors who, despite having the capital, remain unattended in the midst of a wide range of opportunities. This platform untapped these opportunities, democratizing access to strategies through a community approach and with the guidance from the experts. Starting to invest in the stock market is just a click away.

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